What is the email server name and port number?

Linux Server:
Incoming mail server (POP3) name: mail.domainname.tld or Server IP
Outgoing mail server (SMTP) name: mail.domainname.tld or Server IP

Non-SSL Settings:
POP3 Port Number: 110
SMTP Port Number: 25 or 587 or 26 [If you have troubles sending emails via port 25, try 26 instead.]
IMAP Port Number: 143

Secure SSL/TLS Settings:
POP3 Port Number: 995

SMTP Port Number: 465 or 587
IMAP Port Number: 993

Windows Server:
Incoming mail server (POP3) name: mail.domainname.tld or Server IP
Outgoing mail server (SMTP) name: mail.domainname.tld or Server IP

POP3 Port Number: 110
SMTP Port Number: 25 or 2525 or 587 [If you have troubles sending emails via port 25, try 2525 instead]
IMAP Port Number: 143

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