How to Restore or take a Backup of MSSQL Database in WebsitePanel?

How to Restore or take Backup MSSQL Database in WebsitePanel?

How to create database on your WebsitePanel control panel and manage with Microsoft SQL Server 2012.

Creating Database
  • Login to WebsitePanel
  • Select Databases | SQL Server 2012

Create a database in Websitepanel

  • Select Create Database
  • Provide a name for your database and click Save button.

Name your database

  • Select Create User
  • Provide a username, password and associate with the database by selecting the database name from the Default Database drop down. You should also select the checkbox located near the database name.

Create a database in Websitepanel

You can now make use of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express from your computer to access and manage the database remotely using either the IP address or host name. You will get the required information if you select the relevant database name as shown below.

Create a database in Websitepanel

In order to take a backup or restore of your database, select your database name and click on the Maintenance Tools panel,

Take a backup or restore of database in Websitepanel

Select the Backup button, provide a backup filename and click Backup button. Alternatively, you can either download the backup or save it on the server where your site is hosted.

Take a backup or restore of database in Websitepanel

You can easily restore a SQL Server backup by selecting the Restore button. You can either upload a backup file by selecting the Browse button or locate the backup from the server.

Take a backup or restore of database in Websitepanel
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